I am an explorer whose mission is to inspire traveling further




I was born in France to a Congolese father, Malian mother, and raised in the Parisian suburbs. At the age of 17, I moved on my own to the United States and never looked back. As an adventurous, trilingual millenial, I definitely consider myself a citizen of the world.  


My travel journey officially began in 2016 with a trip to Brazil where I fell in love with not only exploring, but sharing information about different cultures to educate.


These past two years, my main focus has been to explore beautiful countries who are rarely visited by tourists and travelers of color. My mission is to make sure we, as a minority, know that we can safely travel further, but to also push representation and diversity in tourism.


I believe every corner of this planet is worth visiting if we care enough. As an explorer, I know my favorite place in the world is one that I probably haven't seen yet and I am just getting started. Are you riding?